
Real estate investing vs. stocks

Real Estate Investing vs. Stocks | Should You Invest Money Into Real Estate or Stocks?

Ah, the debate of the century. Real estate investing vs. stocks; which is better? If you ever get into a conversation about making money and investments, a discussion around real estate investing vs. stocks will invariably come up. There will be a slew of people trying to convince you that real estate is better and […]

Real Estate Investing vs. Stocks | Should You Invest Money Into Real Estate or Stocks? Read More »

How Rising Interest Rates Affect The Housing Market and Its Consumers

How Rising Interest Rates Affect the Housing Market and Its Consumers

There has been a ton of news coverage around rising interest rates in the summer months of 2022. Banks in Canada and the US have raised interest rates quite a bit, affecting people everywhere with a substantial impact on the housing market. In this article, I will go through basic ideas on how rising interest

How Rising Interest Rates Affect the Housing Market and Its Consumers Read More »