Building A Waterfront Mid-Century Modern House | Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #3

This waterfront mid-century modern home in Minecraft was certainly an interesting build. It was inspired by one of my concepts for a personal home redesign. Taking this particular style into Minecraft was something I had never tried before, and though there were multiple hiccups, I was pretty happy with the overall build.

In the past year, I have been dabbling with various designs for a future home renovation for my parents. The Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #1 is actually inspired by one of the concepts and the concept that we’re most likely to move forward with.

This mid-century modern home design, however, came as a close second. As we were doing our design work, one recurring theme that my dad was concerned with was the mix between new and old. Our contemporary box-style roofs on the design we’re going with just didn’t make a lot of sense if we weren’t going to change the north side of our home, which had sloped roofs.

The existing brick on our home would be another issue if we went for a completely new modern design. We would have to take all of it down in which we should honestly just tear down the whole home and rebuild it from scratch.

Of course, since we still needed to live in the home while redesigning it, tearing the house down was not a feasible option. Thus, to create a design that brought together the old elements with the new, I created a mid-century modern design that looks very similar to that of the one in Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #3.

It’s not the exact same house, though. For one, I replaced what was supposed to be a master bedroom in the original design with a triple-car garage. I realized that despite designing these Minecraft builds as if they are homes worth $1M-$5M, none of them had garages. This is my first build to have an attached garage, and I went back to my other two builds to add detached garages.

I also increased the amount of brick I used on this build significantly. I really love the design of putting red brick, large glass panes, and dark accents together, like the image below:

Modern Brick House

You can see this brick-and-glass style in my Minecraft build.

Building like this in Minecraft was very challenging, though, due to the dark colors. It was very hard to see exactly what I should have been doing when building the roof. The dark color made lighting up the home very difficult and put a dampening effect on the inside of the home. To combat this, I had to add extra white blocks on the interior of the roof to make the space feel brighter, but those extra white blocks messed up the height of the space on the second floor.

In the future, dark-colored blocks definitely need to be used sparingly. They’re undoubtedly fantastic for accenting spaces, but too much use of dark-colored blocks will make the place too dark and difficult to light up.

From a production aspect of things, the Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #3 was definitely much easier to make after taking in the lessons I learned in the Minecraft Modern House #1 and #2 builds.

I reduced the production time again, this time to six hours, with the biggest cuts coming from the video editing part.

I built most of the home in sections. I started by creating a foundation, then building the first floor, then the second floor, and focused on building each face one at a time. This made the recording really easy because I only had to record from a few different angles instead of jumping around everywhere and getting lost.

And since the recording came out well, all I had to do was speed it up and play some music. I can definitely become even more efficient, but Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #3 is definitely my most efficient build yet. I’m also extremely happy with this build because I tried a very different style than what I normally work with, and it came out pretty well.

I will definitely be testing more Minecraft design styles in the future, so until then, let me know what you think of this build in the comment section below!

Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #3 Resources

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54 thoughts on “Building A Waterfront Mid-Century Modern House | Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #3”

  1. This is absolutely incredible.

    My daughter and myself have been playing Minecraft for years, and I even started playing it when it was deep into early development when my friends and I referred to it as Minecrack for how addicting it was to play.

    I often found myself trying to build epic castles with courtyards which led down to the construction of a village surrounding that castle and later sewer systems and beyond.

    A few years in and I was trying to remodel and create famous structures from other video games and the real world which lead to some very epic constructions liken to what you have here.

    Awesome work and an exciting read!

  2. You certainly have a gift for doing some amazing builds in Minecraft. Despite the challenges you faced, everything came together really nicely and I really enjoyed watching the time-lapse video. I’m new to your site but this isn’t the first one I’ve seen you do. 

    How long have you been doing these builds?

    1. Not very long. I just started uploading these videos, but building in Minecraft has been something I dabbled with since I was a kid.

  3. This is outstanding and your talent in Minecraft is phenomenal!! This taught me so much about a game I have seen played by my kids, but have never attempted myself. This is amazing and so helpful for someone like me! It is really outstanding to see that this can be done inside a video game and made to look so realistic. 

  4. Using Minecraft to build and personalize a Waterfront Mid-Century Modern house is something I believe many haven’t thought about, especially to renovate a home in real time. I always thought Minecraft was just a game for fun/ entertainment. But using the game for Real Estate seems very handy and done at a cheaper price. This way of using Minecraft is a great ideal and possible business opportunity for many of the game players.

    1. For sure, the only caveat, however is that Minecraft just isn’t as good as other tools like Sketchup and AutoCAD for design work.

  5. Allison Jenkins

    Wow, you have done another really cool time lapse. I enjoy watching these as does my son who is into minecraft. I like how you explain how you broke the time lapse into sections near the end of the post. Really entertaining and great info for people who want to give it a try! Thank you.

  6. Your builds continue to amaze me! Another great Minecraft build for the books!

    I love how you are using Minecraft to design different ideas for your parents home renovation! What a creative way to design house ideas. Totally cool! 

    I also love the red brick, large pane windows and the dark accents! It looks beautiful. 

    Lisa Marie

  7. Wow! I watched my kids grow up with this game but never realized how detailed it can be. This is very impressive. How often do you actually spend on it? It really looks like you put a lot of time and detail into it. I really enjoyed reading it and loved the video. I plan to show it to my grandchildren, they will love it. I am looking forward to seeing more.

    1. I usually build once or twice a week, so about 12 hours a week? Hope your grandchildren enjoy this!

  8. I’m always left amazed by your videos! I never had the patience to build anything meaningful in Minecraft! So, seeing what can be done is just amazing! I especially love how you’re doing this as a way of checking out the design for your parent’s new house! Such a smart idea that I’d never thought about! I also agree how essential a garage is in these type of massive houses!

    How exactly do you go about planning a build of such proportion? Like, do you draw it out on paper at home before going in or do you just start and go from there? I look forward to the next article! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you for commenting! For this particular design, I already had CAD plans drawn out which made it easier to build. But sometimes, I do just go in and start building whatever in Minecraft.

  9. This is amazing to see how you are using Minecraft to design a house or a renovation. Seeing the tips on using dark bricks sparingly, and how you overcame the challenges with the roof and heights, is very helpful for those wanting to get into Minecraft. 

    My son is a structural engineer and uses Minecraft for gaming, but then CAD for designing. Would it be easier to design in Minecraft than in CAD? Can the two be used in conjunction with one another? It will be good to know the differences and benefits of each. 

    Thank you, I will share this information with my son. 

    1. CAD is generally better for real-life projects as Minecraft is very limited when it comes to granular details and the real-life physics of things. I mainly build in Minecraft for fun.

  10. I thoroughly enjoyed watching your Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #3 and reading about the design process behind it. Your attention to detail and dedication to creating a cohesive design that incorporates both old and new elements is truly impressive.

    I especially appreciate your willingness to experiment with different styles and learn from your previous builds. It’s fascinating to see how you have improved your production process and become more efficient with each project.

    As someone who is not very familiar with Minecraft, I found your video both entertaining and informative. It was interesting to see how you use the game to explore architectural concepts and test out design ideas. I also appreciated your insights into the challenges of building with dark-colored blocks and how you found creative solutions to overcome those challenges.

  11. My son who is almost 18, used to do Minecraft when he was younger, but I didn’t really know until now, reading your article that it is quite consuming and addicting.

    I certainly enjoyed watching your progress and outcome in your video. Your Minecraft modern house is impressive!

    An artistic pursuit, I should say. 


  12. This was really interesting, seeing as though both my sons are into Minecraft, they are always looking for cool ideas on designs to build the most amazing houses, I have shared the link to this website to my sons as I think that they will actually use the info provided.

    Very well written and easy to follow, well done

  13. The last time I worked with Minecraft was about six years ago. But the way you describe your waterfront mid-century home got me excited. I love the creativity you applied when addressing colours and lighting up the environment. The use of white and avoiding dark colours got my attention. It’s time I get back to work

  14. I must say man you do some very incredible work. Its quite impressive what you create in Minecraft. Its still very mind blowing to me that people and companies build things as an architect to build real life structures. And kids can do this such thing as well. Kudos to you and keep up the good work!

  15. Each time I visit this website I am blown away by what can be created on this app, and my goodness, just so much detail. It feels like I can just move in tomorrow.

    I love the video that shows how the design process went and the explanation that tells us why you chose certain aspects of the home to go forward with. Yes, it must have certainly been a challenge on the eyes with all the dark colors.

    I see you are also getting faster and faster at creating these gorgeous homes.

  16. Nice example of real time build a house in Minecraft. How long did it take you to learn the skills to be able to build such houses? I know that this game is popular among people worldwide, have you thought about starting a course on teaching people this skill? There is always this demand-offer relation that can be applied basically anywhere. Even though, someone can think that gaming niche isn’t that interesting, I am sure there are plenty of folks who would be happy to pay for you teaching them the skill. 

    1. Thank you for commenting! I’ve been playing Minecraft since I was a kid and dabbling in architectural design for a while, 10 years if I must say. Good idea with the course, I may start one depending on the feedback on these projects I post online.

  17. Another interesting and informative article Kevin, this one building a waterfront mid century modern house on the MineCraft platform. I am intrigued by your inspiration of redesigning your personal home and what led you to affect that redesign using the MineCraft gaming platform?

    I agree that the use of darker blocks should probably be employed sparingly as the affect on the overall aesthetic of the design was a little confusing in the rendering but still a nice result nonetheless.

    I actually like this one better than you first effort but really enjoyed #2 the most.

    1. Thank you for commenting! I use Minecraft generally for fun and not for the actual redesign of real-life projects. For that Sketchup and AutoCAD are the tools I use.

  18. This is an amazing time lapse video of building a mid-century modern house in Minecraft. The attention to detail and the design of the house is impressive, and it’s fascinating to watch it come together from start to finish. The waterfront location is also a great addition and adds to the overall ambiance of the house. I am curious about the inspiration behind the design and the choice of materials used in the construction. Great job on this project and thanks for sharing the time lapse with us!

  19. Hey a greta post you have here!
    I enjoy playing games especially if they involve adventure and where your imagination is the limit. It is great for creative minds!

    I really like the overall concept and design of the building, it looks very elegant and the modern look can certainly be seen. I was wondering how you created such a beautiful video, it surely must have been time consuming as well as irritating to say the least. Great video to see all your efforts.

    Have a great day!

  20. Okiwelu Anthony

    Kevin, you’ve done a great job here,  the designs are great,  I have never heard about Minecraft but with your article and the wonderful design you created, I clearly understood what it was all about. This is a very valuable project you started, and I love the wonderful discovery you made with the garage. Making detachable garages was very innovative, I look forward to reading your next article 

  21. Remote Vagabond

    Have you ever considered the possibility of constructing and customizing a stunning mid-century modern waterfront lodge in Minecraft? I was surprised to learn that, not only is this possible, but it can be done quickly, cheaply and with amazing results. My initial thought about Minecraft being just for entertainment has been completely overturned – now I understand how it can also be employed as a great business opportunity! Simply put: using Minecraft for real estate development opens up an array of exciting possibilities.

  22. Haven’t ever thought about applying a video game such as MineCraft to a real time project like you have done. I wonder if the same application can be applied to something like landscape design. Planning my yard around my house might be easier if I could see it in 3D on a video screen where I could change the elements easily.

    Does MineCraft have those possibilities? I’d like to know as I am looking at the game quite differently than I had in the past as simply an entertainment medium.

    1. It’s not as good as tools like Sketchup, but if you just want to visualize something, it can be done. 

  23. It sounds like you have been busy exploring different design concepts for a future home renovation project for your parents, and the Minecraft Modern House Timelapse #3 was an interesting experiment to see how one of your mid-century modern home designs could translate into a Minecraft build.

    It’s great to hear that you were able to learn from the challenges of your previous builds and make improvements in your production process, resulting in a more efficient and polished final product. Your use of brick, glass panes, and dark accents in this build created a unique and visually appealing style, although it did present some difficulties in lighting up the interior.

    It’s important to consider both aesthetic and practical aspects when designing a home, especially when dealing with existing structures that may pose limitations. Your incorporation of old and new elements to create a cohesive design is a thoughtful approach, and the addition of a garage is a practical consideration that adds functionality to the design.

  24. Hi Kevin, what a masterpiece. This was a unique, enjoyable, insightful entertainment piece that must be a treasure trove for Minecraft enthusiasts. The timelapse effect was extraordinary. This presentation shows that you have put a lot of heart and soul in the construction of your Minecraft Modern House. You took Minecraft up a notch into the stratosphere. The detail and precision you put into your display is phenomenal.


  25. Hi Kevin, what a masterpiece. This was a unique, enjoyable, insightful entertainment piece that must be a treasure trove for Minecraft enthusiasts. The timelapse effect was extraordinary. This presentation shows that you have put a lot of heart and soul in the construction of your Minecraft Modern House. You took Minecraft up a notch into the stratosphere. The detail and precision you put into your display is phenomenal.


  26. Wow! You’ve taken what most people think of as a simple child’s game and turned it into a valuable planning tool and stunning work of art. I really like your vision and the beautiful home you’ve created. Whether or not it ever exists in the real world, it’s already a beautiful digital space as it is. Thanks for sharing the process to get here!

  27. The waterfront mid-century modern house showcased on your website is an impressive Minecraft build with clean lines, minimalist design, and a location right on the water’s edge. 

    The use of glass in the design creates a seamless transition from indoor to outdoor spaces, while wood accents add warmth and texture. 

    The timelapse video offers a behind-the-scenes look at the construction process, highlighting the attention to detail and the designer’s dedication to accuracy and authenticity. 

    Overall, this build is a great example of what can be achieved in Minecraft with creativity and skill, and it offers an excellent resource for those looking to improve their Minecraft building abilities.

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